Naturia Clan
• Naturia Seed
Itens: 13.000 seed, 300 pot of moss bug, 20 mushroom.
Caught: Tangela.
Kill: 250 gravler, 70 starmie, 150 onix, 30 seadra, 50 sandslash, 70 marowak.
Kill: 80 Blastoises, 60 Golem.
• Naturia Sprout
Itens: 500 leaves, 30 bag of pollem, 10 pinsir horn, 1 scythe.
Caught: Pinsir.
Kill: 60 Raichu, 80 Parasect, 100 Wartortles, 80 Pinsirs.
Kill: 40 Blastoises, 90 Jynxs, 60 Kangaskhans.
• Naturia Webhead
Itens: 10 blue vines, 5 scythe, 30 bulb, 2 a Cocoon Stone, 1 a Leaf Stone.
Caught: Scyther
Kill: 86 Kangaskhan, 126 jynxs, 46 Blastoises.
• Naturia Woodtrunk
Itens: 1000 leaves, 10 pinsir horn, 5 Scythe, 3 Leaf Stones, 5 Cocoon Stone, 100 Bag Of Pollem, 50 Bulbs.
Caught: Venusaur
Kill: 55 Rapidash, 70 Charmeleon, 120 Muk, 90 Pidgeot.
Kill: 60 Magmar, 100 Charizard, 60 Scyther, 65 Nidoqueen e 65 Nidoking
Wingeon Clan
• Wingeon Cloud
Itens: 10.000 straw, 400 feather, 50 bird beak, 2 farfetch'd stick.
Caught: Farfetch'd
Kill: 100 Ivysaur 70 Farfethch'ds, 50 Tangelas, 50 Parasects
Kill: 80 Venusaurs, 40 Pinsirs
• Wingeon Wind
Itens: 3 Farfetch'd Stick 3 Dragon Tooth 600 feather 100 bird beak
Caught: Fearow
Kill: 75 fearows 70 charmeleons 90 wartortles 60 farfetch
Kill: 45 Gengar 55 Pidgeots 40 Kangaskhan 55 Ninetales
Seavell Clan
• Seavell Drop
Itens: 10.000 water gem, 300 water pendant, 10 Squirtle hull, 100 ice orb, 10 locksmith of shell, 20 ruby, 20 crab claw, 20 slow tail.
Caught: Dewgong
Kill: 110 Pidgeot, 60 Sandslash, 40 Dratini e 60 Exeggutor
Kill: 90 dragonairs 100 venusaurs
• Seavell Icelake
Itens: 500 water pendant, 1 Psyduck mug, 100 Squirtle hull, 20 ruby, 3 ice bra, 200 ice orb, 10 locksmith of shell
Caught: Jynx
Kill: 50 lickitung, 80 pinsir, 70 cloyster, 80 raichu.
Kill: 70 electabuzzs, 55 gengars, 65 alakazams, 20 snorlaxs.
• Seavell Waterfall
Itens:Your first Training task is to bring me 1.000 water pendant, 150 Squirtle hull, 5 Gyarados tail, 300 ice orb, 5 ice bra, 1 water stone, 1 ice stone
Caught: Lapras
Kill: 81 alakazams 81 gengars 55 laprass 25 snorlaxs
Kill:70 victreebel, 100 ivysaur, 70 electrodes, 50 raichus.
• Seavell Frost
Itens:1.200 water pendant, 1 karate duck, 200 Squirtle hull, 30 locksmith of shell, 400 ice orb, 10 ice bra, 5 Gyarados tail, 3 an Ice Stone, 2 a Water Stone
Caught: Blastoise
Kill: 87 electrodes, 62 raichus, 87 victreebels, 125 ivysaurs
Kill: 100 Venusaur, 60 Electabuzz, 20 Dragonite, 90 Gyarados
Malefic Clan
• Malefic Troublemaker
Itens: 10 bug antenna, 80 tooth, 1000 bottles of poison, 100 traces of ghost, 100 future orb.
Caught: Weezing.
Kill: 120 machoke, 30 electrode, 80 victrebeel, 80 vileplume, 50 tangela.
Kill: 250 venosaur.
• Malefic Venomancer
Itens: 200 Future Orbs, 200 Traces of Ghost, 10 Bug Venom, 50 Gosmes, 50 Bat Wings
Caught: Haunter
Kill: 80 wartortle 80 raichu 50 kinglers 70 fearow
Kill: 40 rhydons 50 laprass 50 charizards 80 jynxs
• Malefic Spectre
Itens: 400 traces 300 future 10 bug venom 5 venom flute 1 darkness e 2 venom
Caught: Nidoking
Kill: 90 dragonair 100 jynx 62 lapras 50 100 nidoking
Kill: 100 charmeleons 70 marowaks 70 hypnos 50 sandslashs
• Malefic Nigthwalker
Itens:600 traces of ghost 500 future orb, 30 bug antenna, 100 gosme, 100 tooth,20 bug venom, 10 venom flute, 4 a Venom Stone, 2 Darkness Stone
Caught: Gengar
Kill: 85 golducks 50 dewgongs 100 sandslashs 120 venomoths
Kill: 150 poliwraths 50 tentacruels 80 kangaskhans 20 snorlaxs
Psycraft Clan
• Psycraft Mind
Itens: 300 Future Orbs, 40 Psych Spoon, 3 Mimic Clothes.
Caught: Kadabra
Kill: 50 Primeapes, 100 Machokes, 100 Arboks, 100 Muks, 50 Venomoth.
Kill: 120 Machamp, 50 Nidokings, 50 Nidoqueen.
• Psycraft Brain
Itens: 500 Future Orbs, 60 Psychic Spoons, 5 Mimics Clothes, 5 Linearly Guided Hypnose.
Caught: Hypno.
Kill: 90 Ivysaurs,75 Marowaks, 85 Charmeleons, 50 Slowbros.
Kill: 20 Snorlax, 40 Golem, 40 Venusaur, 50 Dragonair.
• Psycraft Schoolar
Itens: 800 Future Orb, 100 Psychic Spoon, 10 Mimic Clothes, 5 Linearly Guided Hypnose, 2 enigma stone.
Caught: Mr Mime
Kill: 28 Snorlax, 56 Venusaur, 56 Golem, 60 Dragonair
Kill: 100 Pinsir, 120 Parasect, 50 Mr Mime
• Psycraft Telepath
Itens: 1500 Future Orb, 200 Psychic Spoon, 10 Mimic Clothes, 10 Linearly Guided Hypnose, 5 enigma stone
Caught: Alakazam
Orebound Clan
• Orebound Sand
Itens : 13.000 small stones, 70 sandbags, 20 bones, 3 Onix tails.
Caught: Marowak.
Kill: 60 magnetons 60 onixs 80 charmeleons 30 rapidashs 80 muks
Kill: 60 electabuzzs 35 nidokings 35 nidoqueens 50 ninetaless
• Orebound Rock
Itens: 500 Stone orb, 5 Onix Tail, 150 Sandbag, 50 Bone
Caugth: Onix
Kill: 100 gravelers, 100 kadabras, 75 haunters, 60 venomoths
Kill: 50 golems 45 alakazams 45 gengars 50 rhydons
• Orebound Hardskin
Itens: 800 stone orb, 75 bone, 10 onix tail, rock stone e earth stone
Caugth: Sandslash
Kill: 56 alakazams, 100 machamps, 56 gengars, 60 kangaskhans
Kill: 45 golducks 50 cloysters 70 vileplumes 100 wartortles
• Orebound Hero
Itens: 1.000 stone orbs, 100 bones, 300 sandbags, 10 Onix tails, 3 a Rock Stones, 5
an Earth Stones
Caugth: Rhydon
Kill: 56 golducks, 62 cloysters, 87 vileplumes, 125 wartortles
Kill: 80 gyaradoss 40 blastoises 60 venusaurs 50 tentacruels
• Raibolt Shock
Itens: 10.000 screw, 200 electric box, 20 imam.
Caught: Electrode.
• Rainbolt Watt
Itens: 400 electric boxes, 100 imams, 5 electric tails.
Caught: Magneton
Kill: 100 machokes, 75 haunters, 85 charmeleons, 90 arboks.
Kill: 45 gengars, 40 kangaskhans, 40 mrmimes, 40 ninetaless.
• Raibolt Electrician
Itens: 700 Electric Boxes, 150 Imams, 7 Electric Tails, 3 a Thunder Stones.
Catch: Raichu.
Kill: 56 gengars 58 kangaskhans 50 mrmimes 56 ninetaless
Kill: 70 onixs, 100 gravelers, 60 marowaks, 45 sandslashs
Gardestrike Clan
• Gardestrike Fist
Itens: 300 bitten apple, 5 comb, 25 rat tail, 10 iron bracelet.
Caught: Primeape.
Kill: 250 Gravelers, 150 Onixs, 30 Clefables, 50 Cloystes, 30 Lickitungs
Kill: 100Golems 120 Jynxs 20 Kangaskhans
• Gardestrike Tamer
Itens:20 Ruby ,5 microphone, 3luck medallion, 20comb, 3belt of champion, 40wool ball.
Caught: Clefable
Kill: 75 fearow, 75 sandslash, 85 vileplume, 130 kadabra.
Kill: 40 magmar, 50 venusaur, 50 lapras, 50 alakazan.
• Gardestrike Fighter
Itens: 10 belt of champion, 5 tongue, 20 ruby, Punch Stone e Heart Stone.
Caught: Machamp
Kill: 50 gyaradoss 62 venusaurs 50 magmars 62 laprass
Kill: 60 pinsirs 90 fearows 70 hypnos 50 weezings
• Garderstrike DeathHand
Itens: 15 belt of champion, 10 tongue, 5 microphone, 3 heart stone, 3 punch stone.
Caught: Snorlax
Kill:180 vileplume,300 machoke,100 haunter,50 mr.mime
Kill:100 rydon,120 machamp,40 gengar,60 alakazam
In the Second Round Monster of Psycraft Medium..
ResponderExcluirYou Need:
Telepath Trainer: You have to defeat: 80 alakazams 40 blastoises 70 scythers 80 gyaradoss
And the first round of Psycraft..
ResponderExcluirYou need to kill: 160 pinsir, 220 parasect and 100 mimes.. If I remember
Kill: 80 Mr.mime, 200 Parasect, 180 Pinsir.
ExcluirHow much of an unique article, keep on posting better half